Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Twice now the driver has stabbed my back...Got hold of information about boss itinerary and took the opportunity to skip work. Then he was speeding was supposed to pay the fine and he blamed me for saying that it would be paid by the boss. What a bummer! Just silly old trusting me... Never learn the lesson ever, I am just too trusting. Got to learn to be sly!

Miracle! I was just thinking about my old school friends, those who don't care too hoots about me, googled some of them to no luck and then today, one my oldest childhood friend called and had a quick chat. She is the only one I have know since I was like 6. Seems she kept in touch with some of the girls.

Might meet up with one of them when I am in Australia. They'd be shocked to see how big I have become. One real big MAMA MIA!

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