Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Some may call me nasty but I would see myself as someone who only speaks the ugly truth whether others like it or not.

I just saw some pictures of a relative's daughter, ugly with a big bumper blotty nose taking loads of pictures of herself and showing it off on facebook. SUPER EWWWW! There were pictures of blood coming out of her mouth and trickling down her hands. Was that suppose to be artistic, NOT! The face befitted the concept but it would have had a better effect had the face been changed to a real good looking vampire! This girl was in sheer denial of herself, so sad. My face cringed as I scroll photo by photo. I did that only because I wasn't sure who it was until I saw her take a photo of herself with her mother and then my jaw fell down. Seriously I don't see any resemblance of her with our kin and yet another nasty thought crept into my mind, did she belong to my cousin at all. Her mother did have a shoddy background having lived with a bunch of men during her time and what would stop her from having another fling without the knowledge of her husband?! You could stand the girl with her brother and no one alive would have guessed they were siblings! Not a single resemblance whatsoever!

Talking about facebook, don't you just get so bored of reading all the well wishes and nice wishes to every picture or comment? There is this unrelenting unwinding long list of people saying nice things everywhere, it just sickens me how many bullshitters there are in this world! The only postings I enjoy are my brother's, at least, the convo is real. I get so tired of reading some of my cousins going on about how wonderful this was and that was and I have this strong urge to just play it straight to their faces! There's just really a whole lot of crock going on there, its tiresome. Why can't people just be real and when they see something they dislike, they just ignore it and not even defend themselve, lame chicken crap!

Anyway, that's my complain for the day. My manic state must be in play!



I have landed myself with 2 new diamonds rings and a new crucifix (how on do you spell it, ah well, I think I got it right!) Oh! Oh! and a brand new car. Am I spoilt or what? Yes, I am and I am just loving it! Everyone else got a great present for Christmas from Santa Carlos. New handphone for Santa Carlos and Q. Ryan got his first laptop at the age of 8! What else can one ask for. It's when you don't ask that you will receive in the material world.

Love driving my new wheels, its not a merc or a beamer or a honda like my rich siblings but it's new and after a whole 5 year wait! Nice size to match mine and not having to ride in a Mr Bean car with 3 overweight people and young adult girl is well deserved. Even Ryan was shy about us going out in the little car. Q has inherited the little car to improve her driving skills and I am preparing myself for little damages to happen or rather I am praying that it would not. She is a pretty careful driver and my prayers should hold strong.


Monday, November 30, 2009


Got my anniversary present, so now I have 4 ear piercings on each side of my ears. My beautifully adorned ears. Now when I wash my hair I have to do it ever so carefully so as not to knock any of them out of the piercings. Painful but worth the while totally.

Some husbands like mine still do exist and I say a prayer to those who haven't found their perfect fit to not ever give up on the silver lining. Presevere and you will find! Pray and you will receive....a little out of context and sounding a little selfish but somehow God comes through one way or the other!

Last day to be alone with my ever difficult boss. He told me off to no avail and I am happy as a pea that my counter will return to cushion half the load and scoldings from tomorrow onwards...YIPPEEE!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


A sheer record for both Carlos and I. We have never been with another person for more than 3-4 years! All the suffering, all the ups and downs, all the fighting and making up, we managed to pull it through. Now it's next to the next 10 years if we both live that long...hopefully we do.

No present yet, still waiting and my ears are already pierced ready to receive it. Hahahaha Yup, I am nothing but presumptious all the time. I didn't get him anything, he wants a computer that is not in the market yet and neither could I afford the gagdets that Carlos always want to have. So like that la!

Planned a big do for the anniversary and decided not to have it after all. Too expensive lor! Better save up for Perth and Spain!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I hate going out on weekends! I still can't resist buying things for everyone. Blew my savings and didn't even get my darling Carlos an anniversary present! He is getting a new laptop for his anniversary present. Strange but as long as it makes him happy! he deserves everything good thing that comes to him. He is a good man and a good husband!

Despite spending all the dough on new stuff, we had a great time, Ryan had his fun at the arcade, Q had her shopping for new clothes again! Her double door cupboard is a magical one, more and more stuff and it's still not bursting out yet. Now that she has a queen sized bed, she can hide more shoes underneath!

Watched 2012, it was ok, I guess, too much slow moving parts, cheesy ones at the most unlikely time and too little special effects with a couple of funny scenes. Best was the part where they had to start the Bentley to escape the crashing plane. Adam Lambert's song befitted the movie to the tee but the rest of the family didn't want to stay on to finish listening to the song. They should have shown the video clip!

House owner came to show the house to potential buyers, so we are in pre-preparation mode to move out again! Pray that it won't happened till we save more money to move again. Maybe a couple of years more and then we can spring clean and reduce all the crab we have accumulated for the year!

Summary to all this, I am broke again, what's new?

Thursday, November 12, 2009


The tree is up but it looks like a cross between Diwali and Christmas with pearl strings being twined around it! And it is leaning like the Tower of Pisa. The tree was done up by a muslim! One Malaysia!

Its chicken pie dinner from Dave's Deli tonight and I have to go get my facial wash, before I get uglier without my skin care. Been out of it for a month now. With full time work, there is little time to do anything else. Too little time for self indulgence or rather just too lazy after work.

Gonna have a big whopper of a breakfast tomorrow, can't wait!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Twice now the driver has stabbed my back...Got hold of information about boss itinerary and took the opportunity to skip work. Then he was speeding was supposed to pay the fine and he blamed me for saying that it would be paid by the boss. What a bummer! Just silly old trusting me... Never learn the lesson ever, I am just too trusting. Got to learn to be sly!

Miracle! I was just thinking about my old school friends, those who don't care too hoots about me, googled some of them to no luck and then today, one my oldest childhood friend called and had a quick chat. She is the only one I have know since I was like 6. Seems she kept in touch with some of the girls.

Might meet up with one of them when I am in Australia. They'd be shocked to see how big I have become. One real big MAMA MIA!